It’s that time of year again to apply for Summer training! This is an opportunity for cadets to travel to new areas and meet other cadets, while learning skills for personal development. Courses available for application are primarily based on the cadets completed training level, by the end of the training year.
Opportunities include virtual training, the locally delivered Cadet Activities Program, several courses delivered at Cadet Training Centre’s across Canada, employment as a staff cadet, and pilot training scholarships. These programs and courses range from 4 days, up to 7 weeks in duration. They are designed to be fun and challenging, while encouraging the cadet’s professional development. The Cadets are certain to have an engaging and rewarding summer at any of the locations they may end up at.
The following items are the pre-requisites common to all training courses:

a. Have a complete annual validation on file;
b. Have their medical conditions validated on file;
c. Must be recommended by their Corps/Sqn CO;
d. Meet level training requirement by Jun 30;
e. Cadet must have no participation limitations that would preclude them from participating in the training of the course.

Some courses may have additional requirements for eligibility, check with your unit staff for more information.

Information accurate at time of distribution, subject to change

Summer Training Opportunities Information – Cadets Canada Click here



  • Cadets can only take one course at a time. You cannot take a 4 week course at the same time as a 2 week course.
  • Cadets may apply for multiple courses. However, there are limited billets, so list your top 3 choices on the application.
  • Selections may occur up to 1 week prior to the course start date.
  • All cadets selected or on standby will receive a Cadet 365 account. It is important that the Administration Officer has your correct individual email address and contact information (cannot be shared).  You must have a phone number for authentication purposes.
  • Age is based on course start date.
  • Level completed is the training level you are in now (and will complete before end of year)
  • Older cadets or higher level cadets are not precluded from taking junior courses.
  • If you select a course for which you are not eligible (For example: a level 1 cadet asking for Advanced Aviation), the summer training officer may substitute for a more appropriate course (For example: Basic Aviation).
  • There is some flexibility with age and level for older cadets who are applying to junior courses. (For example: a 17 year old cadet is permitted to apply for Airport Operations).