Cadets, Parents, and Staff of 142 Squadron,
We have recently had some very good news from our chain of command. As of now, we have been approved to recommence in-person day training at full capacity and, thanks to our partners at the Toronto District School Board, we are able to return to our Local Headquarters (LHQ) at Mimico Adult Learning Centre.
In order to facilitate an orderly transition to in-person training, I have ordered the training cel to prepare for a start date of 24 March 22. After this point, we will train regularly on Thursday evenings, from 1830-2130 hours. Virtual training will be discontinued for regular training, although it may still be used as a supplement. Additionally, the return to in-person activities will allow us to access our uniform stores, and I have directed the supply officer to prepare for the issue of new and replacement uniform items.
As to our COVID-19 policies, nothing has changed. Cadets will still be required to abide by all of the policies of the previous in-person training events. Proof of vaccination will be required, as this is mandated by the TDSB for permit users.
All of you have worked so hard over the past two years to weather this storm, and I’m sure that you are all eagerly awaiting the chance to get back to a normal cadet experience. Although there will be challenges for our return, I am sure that we will all work together to create a safe, fun, and educational environment as we move ahead.
With Determination,
A. R. Bilyk, CD
Commanding Officer
142 ‘Mimico’ Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets